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    UPW (Ultrapure Water) Component and System

    Suez EDI Stack Module

    Suez all main EDI stack module - MK-3MiniHT, MK-3, MK-3Pharm HT, E-Cell-3X, MK-7 stacks

    Industrial Electrodeionization (EDI) Stacks On Sales

    The E-Cell Stack will produce 16 MOhm.cm water (MK-3, E-Cell-3X, MK-7) or 10 MOhm.cm (MK-3MiniHT, MK-3PharmHT) provided the feed water meets the Feed Water Specifications and the system is operated according to the Operating Instructions. In industrial, no hot water sanitization applications, MK-3MiniHT can also produce 16 MOhm.cm water.

    Ready Stock for Sales, from Suez Global Production Base in China:

    • MK-3

    • E-Cell- 3X

    Typical Applications
    • Semiconductor
    • Microelectronics
    • Power Generation (NOx, Boiler Feed)
    • General Industry


    MK-3 E-Cell stacks are electrodeionization (EDI) stacks which use electrical current to deionize and polish reverse osmosis (RO) permeate water. The product water for the MK-3 is at an Ultrapure level required in today’s most demanding applications.


    EDI Stack - Ready Stock for Shipment

    Industrial Electrodeionization (EDI) Stacks designed to:
    • Provide Ultrapure Water for industrial applications including Power, Semiconductor, and General Industry.
    • Produce Mixed Bed quality water on a continuous basis.
    • Require no caustic or acid for regeneration of mixed bed resin within the stack.
    • Be leak free, guaranteed.
    • Eliminate brine injection and concentrate recirculation, simplifying system design.

    Prefabricated CEDI System



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